I love the Lord! I love that he can see the Big Picture and prepares us for it.
When our kids are small, we teach them certain things in order to prepare them for what may come in life. Whatever their calling we want them to have the tools needed. Often times, they just learn those things without questioning or realize they are learning something useful or even significant. Later it becomes evident that this skill was learned over a course of time to prepare them for some event in their life, whether it be small or large.
I have come to realize that the Lord is the same way with us "adults". He may prepare a person, a family, a community or whatever for some significant event without the "learnee" (that is my word for the day) realizing the importance until it is put into play. Recently, we have discovered the Lord has been preparing our family for many years for one significant event that will take place soon. How grateful I am to a kind, wise Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ for the many blessing he places before me. The ones that I see, and the ones I should see but do not. What a truly blessed daughter I am!!