A Woman's Wealth

If a woman's wealth were measured by the love her family has for her, I hope I would be counted among the richest of the world!

If a woman's wealth were measured by how much love she has for her family, I know I would be at the top of the list.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

The origins of the cool bathtub

So, you might ask yourself about the title of my blog (or "blogger" if you are my mom). It might go something like this in your head " Hey, 'Cool like a bathtub' is a weird name for a title. I wonder where that came from." Well, funny you should ask and convenient that I am here to tell you :~)

Orey, Marina, Eric and I were driving back from Las Vegas this last Sunday. Eric and Marina were in the back seat and Eric showed something to Marina. She says "Ooh, that is really cool buddy!" He says" Cool is liiiike um.....cool is like bathtub.......cool is like outside." Marina looks at him as he is trying to come up with other comparisons and tells him "okay buddy I got it". So, a few minutes later he shows her something else, she thinks to herself that she is not going to fall into that trap again so she says "Awesome buddy!" Eric looks at her and says "Awesome is liiiike cool....... cool is liiiike bathtub......"

Love you all!

Marina the Mom


Anonymous said...

haha silly boi-wonder! And kudos to you for conforming! we're all proud of your huge step to becoming "one of those bloggers"

Love you!

P.S. this is Rebekah I have to sign in from my livejournal which is my own version of a blog but dont get too excited its really not interesting.

Deborah said...

You know this means, right? You ahve to start commenting on my blog now:)

Welcome to the club.

Judy Feliz said...

thats a great start and it looks like Eric is going to be a thinker.

Maura said...

diddo to all previous entries. :)

Erica said...

How cute is he?!
I am looking forward to subbing his class tomorrow and seeing what he comes up with.