A Woman's Wealth

If a woman's wealth were measured by the love her family has for her, I hope I would be counted among the richest of the world!

If a woman's wealth were measured by how much love she has for her family, I know I would be at the top of the list.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Silent Killer

Okay, so how many times do we read something about identifying "warning signs" regarding our health and think to ourselves, "wow, I need to remember that in case it ever happens to me"? I know I do. I always think to myself that I will know if I am having a heart attack or something like that because I know what the signs are. After all, I am a very intelligent woman!

So, for the last two months or so I have been really bummed because I have started going through the change of life. I am only 44 but I had THE surgery when I was 29 and the doctor told me not to be too surprised if I started the change in about 10 years. I figured that I lucked our and got 15 years. I have been complaining to Orey that I have been having a lot of migraines lately (menopause), nightly sweats (menopause), eyesight problems (menopause), weight gain (menopause), irritability (menopause -wink, wink), forgetfulness (menopause) and really tired a lot (menopause). Amazing! full blown menopause. Orey keeps telling me to see the doctor but who wants to pay someone to tell you that your body is aging?

I started my new job last week and figured the stress of the last couple of weeks and the new job were causing my migraines to increase. I have been living off of Excedrine Migraine because it is the only thing that helps. Thank goodness for Excedrine with asparine. As a matter of fact, I had the weirdest migraine. Orey and I were in Reno and I was driving (of course). While we were sitting at the light I was watching these cars go by. All of a sudden the cars had this black shadow following them. It was like the old TV shows like the Ed Sullivan shows that are in black and white and sometimes have the shadow/aura thing when the people move around on the set. Anyway, that happened but what was odd is that I felt fine and did not have a headache.

The day before yesterday I was at work and I felt kind of bad. Sort of like when you hang upside down on the monkey bars and all the blood rushed to your head. I work in an area where the public health clinic is so I went over to see if they would take my blood pressure. When I got over there I felt stupid so I went back to my side of the building. Yesterday morning I felt a bit better but it still was not comfortable so I went back over. My blood pressure was really high. She wanted me to go to Urgent Care. I called my doctor instead. Apparently, he did not get the message because he didn't call back. This morning I went back over and the pressure was better but still high. I called my doctor to get a water pill that I used to be on that is also used for high blood pressure. They insisted that I come in. I tell you what, I was really put out about the intrusion of my time!!

My appt time rolled around and I went in. I was even strong enough to carry in that chip which was sitting on my shoulder that reminded me that this was an imposition. I can tell you that I did NOT own my hotel for about an hour or so today! They took my blood pressure and took it again. Uh oh. She told me that she was putting my on two different medications and we will go from there. While she was explaining things to me I could see her talking to me but I could not concentrate on what she was saying. I asked her to repeat. She looked at me and asked if I was okay. I asked her to take my pressure again because I did not feel right. She took my pressure, started shoveling medication into me and then did 2 EKG's on me. Weird. Once we got things under control I asked what was going on and if the menopause was effecting my BP beause usually I have low blood pressure. She said that a lot of women will blame their symptoms on menopause when in fact they are gearing up to have a stroke. Then she proceeded to mention, are you ready for this-headaches, night sweats, vision change, weight change, irritability, forgetfulness or trouble remembering things, tiredness and a few other things. You could have picked my jaw up off the floor. I told her about the incident in Reno while I was driving. She said that was my blood pressure. I told her "yeah, but I felt really good". She said that my blood pressure was dangerously high and that is why my eyesight was doing that. Then she said "That is why it is called the Silent Killer because you do not always recognize the symptoms".

For all you loved ones in my life, don't ever take changes in your body as normal. They might be or they might be trying to let you know something serious is going on. Remember how I said that I did not want to pay someone to tell me that I am getting old? Now I do not mind. At least I am still alive to grow old. I just find it amazing that the Silent Killer was really screaming at me and I didn't even hear it!

Love to you all!


Maura said...

Actually I think that was dad screaming at you to go to the doc. :) well I am glad you went and they were able to catch it and do something about it!

Erica said...

Holy Crap woman!
Are you OK?

Deborah said...

Seriously Mom. You can't have a stroke. Not for another 30 years or so. Let me put it this way, you can't have a stroke until Dad is completely deaf and has the old-man-out-of-control eyebrows he always jokes about.

Judy Feliz said...

I guess you take after your momma afterall, you just describe some of the symptons that happen to me every now and again but since I have not worked and my life up here is slower and more peaceful, my medications work wonderfully, take care of your self and I mean take care of yourself good. I am surprised you did not have all that last year but glad you are in control now. I love you lots and lots. Pretty scary hun?????